Sunday, May 5, 2013

Speech Sample About Jogja in Peace

Speech Sample About Jogja in Peace

       Jika sebelumnya pidatonya tentang Perubah iklim atau climate change, yang ini tentang Jogja in peace : Jogja dalan damai. Ini karena ketentuan dari panitianya untuk mengangkat tema ini. sebenarnya ini adalah tema finalnya. tapi karena saya tidak sampai pada babak finalnya. maka tidak sempat saya bawakan. Artinya pidato masih belum ada yang membawakannya. 

             Mungkin juga bisa jadi bahan acuan atau contoh bagi sobat yang ingin membuat pidato yang serupa. Atau ingin membuatkan untuk teman, adik atau siapapun itu.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..
Generally, Mr...
Honorable, ..

Ladies and gentlemen .!

            For the first, let’s thanks to our God Allah SWT. The God of universal. Who has been giving us a marcies and blessing, so we can gather in this place, to held the english speech compatition, without any trouble and obstacle.
            Secondly,  thanks very much to the master of ceremony who has given me time to delifer my sort speech with the tittle “Jogja In Peace”.
Ladies and gentlemen .!

I don’t want to talk too much how important The Peace is, because  I beleave that all of us have already known why The peace is more importante for us. But before we talk  a much deeper about Jogja in  Peace, let me remember you about Jogja’s  possition as  the city of education.
Jogjakarta  is very rich with learning resources, such as qualified resource  lecturers, libraries, and more else study centers. In its development as the city of education, Jogja is difficult to beat. Jogjakarta is also knownhave a system and a superior learning environment, begin from elementary school, middle, until the college.

Jogja at the present, has more than hunderd thousand students, studying in 123 universities. That’s why this city often called “paradise” for research, intellectual and scientific study. This image has long been known by many people in Indonesia, even people in the world.

Dear Audiance .!

According to the Chairman of Commission C DPRD Yogyakarta, Mr. Zuhrif Hudaya : “Image of the city is essentially a growing impression or perseption, when making direct observation”.
The question is, is it the true that Jogja’s image has builded goodly? as we know that a few weeks ago, has happend an overkill accident to 4 resistance in Cebongan’s Jail, by the ocnum of Kopasus. It’s very broke the image of Kopasus as law upholder, and all at once jogja’s image as the city of
educational and cultural.

Dear Audiance .!

Jogjakarta wich all this time is famous as the city with peacefullness, has been streaked by brutal action of kopasus. They attact and disable the jail keeper, and then execute directly resistance in the jail. As we know that just 1 or 2 projectiles, human can be die. How can 30 projectiles penetrate 4 body of human.? Very broken. And it’s very not fair at all.

So, this is our responcibility to fix this problem. let us as a young man who lives in Yogyakarta both natives and newcomers hold hands with each other, unite our ranks, unite our commitment and unite our purpose, that Yogyakarta is free from all forms of violence, whatever the reason it.
As Maher zain’s say in his song : “Hold my hand, there are many ways to do it right”. In the other song : “oh, You are my brother, you are my sister, we are one big family”.

Ladies and gentlemen .!
I think it’s enough for my speech, Thanks very much for your attantion, may it be usefull for us. if you have got some mistakes, i’m so sory, I do hope you for forgiving me please. And the last, I say :
Asslamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..

By : Alfin siddik A A mrullah  Buton
(Nim : 12.11.6085)

    Demikian postingan kali ini, Terima  kasih telah berkunjung. Semoga bermanfaat dan   Sampai jumpa di postingan berikutnya.

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