Sunday, May 5, 2013

English Speech Sample about Climate Change

Salam sobat reader. 
       Kali ini saya ingin berbagi contoh pidato bahasa inggris dengan dengan judul climate change (Perubahan iklim). Pidato ini saya buat beberapa hari yang lalu waktu mau ikut lomba english speech di kampus saya. walaupun kalah sih. :)
Speech Sample about Climate Change
          Tapi materi dan isi pidatonya tidak kalah bagus kok. Cuman masalah personal skill dalam membawakannya saja. Mungkin bisa dijadikan bahan acuan jika sobat ingin membuat pidato yang semacamnya seperti ini. So, selamat belajar yah ? semoga sukses buat kita semua.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..
Generally, ...
Honorable, ..

Ladies and gentlemen .!
            For the first, let’s thanks to our God Allah SWT. The God of universal. Who has been giving us a marcies and blessing, so we can gather in this place, to held the english speech compatition, without any trouble and obstacle.
            Secondly, thank you so much to the master of ceremony who has given me time to delifer my sort speech, with the title “Climate Change”.

adies and gentlemen .!

If we want to talk about climate change, we should to know, that Actually climate change is an habituality. The Earth's climate is dynamic, and always  changing from time to time, with natural cycle. The problem is, in the past, earth climate were change naturally. But this time, climate change is more caused by the humans acts , so the impact is more quickly and drastic. So what which causing the climate change? why we must care about it? And how important is it ? The delegatioan of WHO for Indonesian, Mr. Sharad Adhikary, explains that why we must care about the issue of climate change, because it can be impact to the health and human’s live.
        According to observatioan’s result, the climate change of global is occur because Earth's atmosphere has been poisened by the dangerous gas such as carbon dioxide and methane. Gas carbon dioxide is formed by forest fires. and gas methane occurs from the rotting garbage.

Ladies and gentlemen .!

This phenomena is that we say as the greenhouse effect(efek rumah kaca). The greenhouse effect is an increase temperature of earth, because there are many pollutant gas in the air. Factories, motor vehicles, and all devices that use fuel oil, producing a flue gas: CO2 wich more to increase. Excessive CO2 in the air can inhibit the reflection of solar radiation. Furthermore, the lower layers of Earth's atmosphere slowly, become increase in temperature.
From the research results, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere reaches 385 ppm in 2006, a remarkable improvement if compared with the data of climate change during the period of the last 650,000 years.

Therefore, it would be wise if we as a young nation's next generation, contribute to maintain the balance of nature. For uor better future, for our children, grandchildren and the next generation after us.

Jakarta, 18 April 2013, Environment Minister Prof. Dr.. Balthasar Kambuaya, MBA opened the third Indonesian Climate Change. This exhibition and forum was held at 18-21 April 2013 and targeting more than 50,000. This is as one proof of our concern to the conditions of this earth. May be sustainable.

Ladies and gentlemen .!

I think it’s enough for my speech, Thanks very much for your attantion, may it be usefull for us. if you have got some mistakes, i’m so sory, I do hope you for forgiving me please. And the last, I say :
Asslamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..
By : Alfin siddik A A mrullah B B uton
(Nim : 12.11.6085)

        Demikian postigannya, semoga bermanfaat, Terima kasih telah berkunjung. Jangan lupa di koment yah tentang isi pidatonya.

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